Finding Collaboration

Does working together put our individuality at risk? What happens when we give up control? Why does it feel so risky to dive simultaneously into the unknown together?

Admittedly, it does concern all of us that this collaboration requests a trust that exceeds our individual comfort zones by far. On the other hand, this collective of people; we, existed before our deliberate collaboration. We are purposely pushing it further, forcing it a little, into a collective experiment with a public exposition as the outcome. How scary and complicated this experiment may seem, we ought to stay confident that it is possible to keep our individual voice in a larger group. Our personal qualities could be precisely that which makes the group dynamic and its outcome interesting, evolving and alive.

From the 18th till the 27th of April the first year master students from UiB, department of Fine Art, will be researching ways of working together through discussions and group activities in Rom8. In KRAFT the audience is invited to take a private look at the intimate details of our conversations, our struggles, insecurities and possible solutions. There will be a live stream of our activities and a physical collection of our thoughts.

The other days
See the videos on youtube